
Showing posts from June 22, 2008


So many folks have told me recently that they are suffering from repetitive stress injury (RSI). And like a big mama of tendonitis, I have found myself dispensing advice. So I found this blog entry I had written ages back and thought I'd share it. Tendonitis is a repetitive stress disorder which is basically an inflammation of tendons. Fingers have tendons (muscle strands) which are not very strong. Human body was not designed to do a lot of work with fingers. These tendons collect together and run through the wrist, through the carpal tunnel, up through the entire arm. A nerve runs through the carpal tunnel to the hand. Due to overwork, the tendons get inflamed. Small digression into morphology tells us that tendon and inflammation leads to the name tendonitis. In the least, it causes severe pain. In extreme, it can atrophy your muscles, press against the nerve causing carpal tunnel syndrome, cause disablility. ( trust me, I went through this ). The best cure to this very pa