
Showing posts from April 17, 2011


Yesterday while driving the kiddo back home we drove past an Auction sign. K: Hey mom, look at the funny way they have written Caution. Now it takes a minute for such things to click, then.. M: Baby, its not Caution, its Auction. K: Whats that? A different type of Warning? M: No, auction is a different way of selling things. I will tell you... umm... what would you like to sell? K: A donkey! M: Ah... Ok. So there are two ways to sell a donkey. You can either say 'Here's a donkey, I'll sell it for 500 dollars' or you can say 'I have a donkey to sell, how much will you pay'. If you do the first, someone will pay 500 dollars and take the donkey. But if you do the second, then Aji will say 'I'll pay $400 for the donkey', Papa will say, 'I'll pay $600 for the donkey' and Tanu will say 'I'll pay $800 for the donkey' Who will you give it to? K: Tanu. But then will Aji and Papa give me money as is? M: No, why should they, you have onl