Another Obama Speech

I think Obama's speech to Kids is a good speech.
I like that he speaks of kid's responsibility for their own education and future, and that he emphasizes that your past really does not define your future, its your hard work that defines it.


Dash said…
you really liked it? you must have turned communist then...

Are folks like this back in US? or is it just where all the cynics meet?
me said…
You know, why don't you write about the objections you had with the speech instead of making just personal comments? Really your comment does not add anything.
Dash said…

The first line was sarcastic, as those are the kind of comments highlighted in the sites I visited. I guess I should have put quotes in them.

In the second line, I wanted to know if it is just the news sites who want to create controversy out of anything.
Dash said…

:) this will probably make it lighter.
me said…
Hmm, that wasn't very obvious. No, I haven't been keeping up with all news, so I didn't get you.
Though I was happy thinking that finally, someone is up for a nice debate. Looks like not :(
Alok said…
In Dash's defense, I totally understood his sarcasm. Maybe he and I are looking at the same websites :-).
me said…
Well, I yet dont get it. Even if it was a remark from the sites you folks visited, I cant see what about the speech made it communist?
I thought it was a reasonable speech. And as I am on a path to age dictated conservatism, these accusations of liberalism bother me to no end :)
Care to elaborate?
Alok said…
Before the speech, many people were saying that Obama was going to push his political agenda and socialism to the school kids in his speech, and he should not make such a speech. Many websites were full with comments by people from both sides of the issue.

When people found out that Bush Sr. had also made such a speech, it was less of an issue, but still, many parents called their kids' schools saying that it better not be mandatory for the kids to attend his speech.

As it turned out, there was nothing communist/socialist/political about the speech. Then came a flurry of jokes online about how it was made into such a big issue to begin with.

I never implied that his speech was communist. I am totally agreeing with you in that it wasn't. I was just misunderstood (reminds me of Calvin's statement about 'misunderstood genius').

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