
Kiddo's first day at school today after a lovely summer of being together. I am glad I did take this break from work. I am missing him around the house already. :) Yea, yea, I know I am the person who asserts that she would never miss kids when they are off to college and will have a real life, but what you folks don't realize is that when they go to college, they just aren't as cute as when they go to K. :)

Kid comes out of the school and says 'Days are just packed!' LOL


Alok said…
This post is very erudite. Hey, erudite contains the letters 'e', 'd' and 'u' in the reverse order! :-)
Dash said…

You will find this interesting.
me said…
It is ridiculous that schools are doing this, and overall tone of the comments from educators was quite rude too. Parents are dropping off their 16-yr-olds off alone for the first time, and their anxiety, while seemingly funny, is not completely misplaced. Parents are not dumb, guys, neither are they trying to be overprotective or vicarious.
me said…
Though I had a very funny experience. So I goto pick Arul from his first day at school, and reach there 5 mins early (school parking is terrible). So while I am standing out, I ask this mom nearby, "So, how do they do this? Do we go in and sign them out or does someone bring them out?" And she is like "No... the school just ends and they all walk out." And I said, "Well, how would they know if the child got picked up, and if the correct person picked them up?" She didn't get my question.... And then I realized that my baby has really grown up, and he can figure to find mom, or the correct mom or wait around for a few minutes if mom isn't there. :)
And then I was walking out, so I see this kid hanging around. So I ask him where his mom is, and he said she is on her way. So (coming from my pre-school habits), I decide it is not safe to let him alone, so strike up a conversation with him. So we, me, the kid and my kiddo end up talking like around half an hour - no mom around and by this time Tanvi is in full bawl. So I figure I cant stick around any more. I ask the kid to go back to his class room, he refuses. Then I say, "Well, I have to leave now. But please make sure that you wait in the school till your mom comes, and then only go with your mom and not with anyone else". So the kid gives me an utterly confused look and says, "Why would I ever want to leave with anyone else?"
Duh! Lots of growing up needed for me :-)

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